nba player retirement year mad for kot4q and others this will get hard as you go on enjoy this quiz and shout out to you king of the fourth quarter Tehmas published on February 20, 2017 Stacked 1/10 what year did tim duncan retire 2011 2016 2014 2/10 what year did michael jordan retire 2003 2000 1999 3/10 what year did nate robinson retire 2001 2006 2003 4/10 what year did shaq retire 2010 2011 2015 5/10 what year did scottie pippin retire 2012 2008 2011 6/10 what year did steve nash retire 2015 2002 2000 7/10 what year did steve kerr retire 2001 2005 2003 8/10 what year did allen iverson retire 2005 2013 2010 9/10 what year did kobe braynt retire 2015 2013 2016 10/10 what year did kevin garnett retire 2016 2003 2004