Do Really Know Ban? Liz doesn't know me. Liz doesn't know my story. Say what? Say what? La la La missylizzy published on September 01, 2014 Stacked 1/8 How long have I had Facebook? January of 2013 September of 2012 November of 2011 2/8 What year did I get my ears pierced? 2013 2011 1999 2012 3/8 What are the three most used apps on my phone? Hint: 3 choices Pinterest Twitter Instagram Pandora The block puzzle Facebook 4/8 How long have I have my current phone? Three years It hasn't been that long, like one year? I don't know?! A long time? Two years 5/8 What is my dream job? I haven't decided yet! Teacher or a vet Professional Dancer or Choreographer 6/8 What three are my favorite animals? Giraffe, Monkey and Panda's Dog, Monkey, and Koala Koala, Giraffe, and Dogs Monkey, Dog, and Giraffe 7/8 What is my whole name? Ban Frances Haryoo Bryanna Frances Harju Brayanna Fransec Harju 8/8 What is my favorite color? Hint: 2 choices Any shade of Green I don't have one Any Shade of Blue Red, it always has been I'm such a Pink fan!