What Did You Learn About Watersheds? Want to know what you learned about watersheds? Take the quiz and find out! wolf.always published on February 11, 2016 Stacked 1/5 What is a Watershed? A piece of mountainous land that drains into a nearby water source A body of water that connects to the ocean A piece of land that soaks up all the water onto of it 2/5 What is the Main Source of Pollution in the Long Island Sound? Farms Waste Producing Factories A Littered City All of the Above 3/5 How Long is the Long Island Sound Watershed? 4,280 8,960 15,820 4/5 What is the Project Called? SWARM SWOT SWAT 5/5 What Can You Do to Help the Long Island Sound? Pick Up Litter at the Beach Donate To/Start a Long Island Sound Charity Both A&B