Between Maisie and Tim, who loves the other most? Only for Maisie and Tim to answer. Please do not take test if your not Maisie or Tim. Maisie100 published on October 18, 2015 Stacked 1/20 Who loved the other first? Tim loved Maisie first Maisie loved Tim first We loved eachother at the same time 2/20 Do you fantasize about the other person with you in the future? Yes No 3/20 If you could marry the other person would you? Yes No 4/20 Between the both of you who is more giving? Maisie Tim Neither yet 5/20 How often do you let him/her win? Never Why would I? Sometimes Always shhh 6/20 How hard is it to leave the other person? Easy Not too easy Kinda hard Hard Impossible 7/20 How often is the other person right in your eyes? Always Never Sometimes Rarely 8/20 Do you show your love a lot? Yes a lot No not a lot Kinda 9/20 What does your lover love the most that you do? Hug Kiss When you say, I love you When you play tag 10/20 What makes you think you love the other more? Because I can Because I show it Because I'd do soo much for him/her because my love is the strongest I've ever given 11/20 Who says, "I love you," first the most? Maisie Tim 12/20 If you really know your partner then answer this. What is her/his hearts desire? Type answer. Hint: 24 characters 13/20 What is the other persons favorite color? Type answer. Hint: 6 characters 14/20 Would you give your device to the other if they asked? NO NEVER STAY BACK *hiss* Of course here you go 15/20 Have you ever lied to the other and never told the truth? Yes No Not that I know of 16/20 Do you know everything about the other person? Yes No Actually I don't know 17/20 If you saw the other crying what would you do? Cry too Confer her/him Let them have space 18/20 When the other person is emotional what is your response? Suck it up Oh great I'm here for you Peace out 19/20 What would you do to calm the other person? Hug Play tag Kiss on lips 20/20 On a scale of 1-100 how much do you love the other? 1-20 break up 21-40 don't love you that much 41-60 half and half 61-80 I love u so much 81-100 let's run away and get married