How much do you know about Psych? This is a quiz to show yo how much you know about Psych. That show about Gus, Shawn and everyone else! Marvele published on July 15, 2015 Stacked 1/8 Who are actual characters in the series? Hint: 3 choices Henry Spencer Chief Karen Vick Juliet O'Hara Jane Olle Sara O'Malley Adrian Marst 2/8 Who is the main character? Shawn Gus Lassiter Juliette Pierre Despearaux Chief Vick 3/8 Does the series have a musical? Yes No 4/8 What is the show about? A man who uses his powers of observation and passes them off for psychic powers to solve mysteries and murders with his friend. A man solves mysteries using his psychic powers. Mystical forces help a man solve mysteries. 5/8 What is the name of the last episode? Type answer. Hint: 11 characters 6/8 Who is the main character dating? Type answer. Hint: 5 characters 7/8 Who is dating someone with a kid? Shawn Gus Max 8/8 Where do they live? Santa Barbara Los Angeles New York Miami