How well do you know Ragan Reynolds? Take the challenge. See just how much you really know Miss Texas Large and Lovely Austinrere published on September 10, 2016 Stacked 1/15 What club was she first on cast at? Hyde Miss and Fly The Basment Haven 2/15 What is her Favorite meal? Ribs Lobster Steak Chicken strips 3/15 How old is she? 35 30 33 28 4/15 In what year was she first step on stage in drag. 2008 2009 2010 2011 5/15 What children's show did she watch well into High School Seasame Street Doug Arthur Ducktales 6/15 What is her biggest dream? Win miss USofA Celebrity makeup artist Become a movie star Win the lottery 7/15 What's her favorite movie of all time? Dirty Dancing Wizzard of Oz Twister Drop Dead Gorgeous 8/15 What is her favorite candy flavor? Strawberry Watermelon Chocolate Bananna 9/15 Her Birthday is in what month? December August June May 10/15 What cosmetics company did she just start working for? Nyx MAC Bobbi Brown Bare Minerals 11/15 What is her favorite condiment? Katchup Ranch Barbecue Sour Cream 12/15 What was the first crown put on Reagan's head? Miss Austin USofA Newcomer Miss Austin Entertainer Miss Austin Sweetheart Miss Lonestar USofA Newcomer 13/15 What was sher first song she performed. Commander And I am telling you Miss independent Spotlight 14/15 What is her soft drink of choice? Iced Tea Dr. Pepper Dt Coke Dt. Pepsi 15/15 What is her favorite number to perform? And I am telling you Here's where I stand A new day Its raining men