Mastering Aerobic Exercise Intensity Test your knowledge on how to accurately measure and manage the intensity of aerobic exercises for optimum health benefits and performance. alina90 published on October 07, 2024 Stacked 1/13 What is VO2 max? Maximum oxygen intake during exercise Maximum heart rate Maximum speed Maximum blood pressure 2/13 What is the 'talk test' in aerobic exercise? Reciting the alphabet Checking if you can speak during exercise Using a microphone to monitor sound Singing a song 3/13 What intensity level is a casual walk? High Low Very High Moderate 4/13 What is a sign of over-exertion during exercise? Shortness of breath Increased focus Improved stamina Mild sweating 5/13 What percentage of your maximum heart rate is recommended for moderate exercise? 20-40% 90-100% 50-70% 80-90% 6/13 Which tool can help keep track of heart rate? Pedometer Heart rate monitor Thermometer Caliper 7/13 What is the formula for estimating maximum heart rate? 220 minus your age Your weight times two Your age plus 100 Height divided by two 8/13 Which is a benefit of tracking aerobic intensity? Decreasing exercise duration Avoiding hydration Reducing calorie burn Preventing injuries 9/13 What should you do if your heart rate is too high during exercise? Continue at the same pace Slow down or take a break Ignore and push through Increase exercise intensity 10/13 How can you increase exercise intensity? Decrease frequency Increase exercise time Reduce number of repetitions Decrease weight lifted 11/13 Which scale is often used to measure perceived exertion? Borg Scale Fahrenheit Scale Kelvin Scale Decibel Scale 12/13 Which method is not used to measure exercise intensity? Heart Rate Talk Test Intensity Gradient VO2 Max 13/13 What is the most common method to measure exercise intensity? Caloric Intake Step Count RPE Scale Heart Rate Monitoring