Are you a teen by mind also or only by age? This quiz will tell whether you are a teen just by age (13-19) or by mind also. Nitts_17 published on February 03, 2022 Stacked 1/6 Do you ever get sad, happy, excited or angry without any reason? Yes, often No, never Just sometimes 2/6 Are you usually stubborn? Yes, always No, never Rarely 3/6 Do you ever feel like you have anxiety or depression? Hint: 1 choice Yea, often Just sometimes No, never 4/6 Do you feel like you aren't given enough freedom and privacy? Hint: 1 choice Yess, all the time No, i am given enough freedom and privacy Sometimes, yes 5/6 Do you feel like no one understands you? Hint: 1 choice Yes, everytime Sometimes Never 6/6 Are you bored even while doing what you like? Hint: 1 choice Yea Not actually Sometimes