Wonders of the Exotic Pet World Dive into the captivating world of exotic pets. Test your knowledge about these unique creatures and their intriguing characteristics. michelle published on November 05, 2024 Stacked 1/8 Which exotic pet is known for its ability to regrow limbs? Axolotl Bengal Monitor Capybara Iguana 2/8 Which is a characteristic feature of sugar gliders? Excellent Swimmers Venomous Bite Nocturnal Mating Flying Abilities 3/8 Which exotic bird is known for its vibrant blue color? Hyacinth Macaw Cockatiel Scarlet Macaw Amazon Parrot 4/8 Which exotic pet originates from the rainforests of central and south America? Panther Chameleon Scarlet Macaw Frilled Lizard Green Iguana 5/8 Which of the following is native to Madagascar? Green Tree Python Hermann's Tortoise Panther Chameleon Fennec Fox 6/8 Which species is known as an exotic mammal? Chinchilla King Cobra Red-Eared Slider Budgerigar 7/8 Which exotic pet is known for its intelligence and problem-solving abilities? Capuchin Monkey Corn Snake Sulcata Tortoise Tarantula 8/8 Which exotic pet is known for its long lifespan? Leopard Gecko Pygmy Hedgehog Japanese Quail African Grey Parrot