How well do you know the Merrell Twins? Rules are the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise people~❤️Try the quiz! Merrelltwins7 published on October 23, 2017 Stacked 1/11 Who is tiger’s favorite ? Nessa Roni 2/11 What is the name of their father? Paul Jake Joe 3/11 How many youTube channel/s so they own? 2 1 3 4/11 Who has more followers on Instagram? Roni Nessa 5/11 Which is which? Roni left nessa right Nessa left roni right 6/11 Who is the older twin? Nessa Roni 7/11 Which is which?? Roni left nessa right Nessa left roni right 8/11 Who is roni’s internet crush? Shawn mendes Cameron dallas Justin beiber Cristiano ronaldo 9/11 How old are the Merrell twins? 19 21 17 10/11 Who is nessa’s internet crush? Cameron dallas Shawn mendes Cristiano Ronaldo Justin beiber 11/11 What is the month of their birthday? February January October June August September July March April May November December