Flower Correspondences Test your knowledge ahead of tomorrow’s glamour magick class...choose the correct correspondence. No googling! ;) Annaprima published on June 02, 2019 Stacked 1/10 Iris Wisdom, Hope Pain, death Naivety, innocence 2/10 Peony Financial success, luck Courage, loyalty Shyness, compassion 3/10 Orchid Beauty, charm Dreams, hopes The past, nostalgia 4/10 Pansy Thought, memory Death, afterlife Intelligence, wisdom 5/10 Daffodil: Rebirth, New Life Happiness, Joy Peace, Love 6/10 Calla Lily Friendship, camaraderie Purity, Innocence Rest, Relaxation 7/10 Violet Lies, deception Wisdom, humility Friendship, partnership 8/10 Sweet Pea Maturity, wisdom Bliss, pleasure Luck, success 9/10 Sunflower Dedication, adoration Time, acceptance Soul, inner life 10/10 Hydrangea Heartlessness, deep emotions Celebration, success Rejection, loss