are we friends? you said you didn't know so take this then make one that I take! :) now lets see if were friends/ know each other! flowergirl060 published on October 10, 2014 Stacked 1/8 What is my favorote color? Pink Light blue Purple white 2/8 What is my favorite sport? Chior/ssinging Soccer Baseketball 3/8 What color are my eyes? Hazel Green Blue 4/8 What is my hobbie? Taking photos of landscapes Running around outside Sleeping 5/8 Do I love quotes? NO yes kinds? 6/8 Who is my crush? You Rylie ( goes to different school) Blake All of the above 7/8 If I were sad what would I want you to do? Nothing Come over cheer me up and see what is wrong Or say what ever 8/8 What is my full name? Celia Caroline Durso Celia Rose Durso Celia Carene Durso