Breaking Dawn Have you watched the twilight saga breaking dawn part 1/2? Test your basic knowledge on breaking dawn. kstewandrpatz published on February 02, 2013 Stacked 1/10 What is the first scene in breaking dawn part 1? Bella's eye Jacob and Renesmee Jacob taking his shirt off and running 2/10 What does Charlie and renee think of the cullens collection of graduation caps? Charlie thinks its weird. Renee thinks its creative Charlie thinks its creative. Renee thinks its weird They both think its amazing They both hate it and think its completely mad 3/10 Who plays Renesmee? Mckenzie Fowye mackenzie Foye Mickenzie Foy Mackenzie Foy Mckenzie Foy 4/10 What is bella wearing at the beginning of breaking dawn part 2? Nothing A black dress A blue dress A purple dress A skirt jeans and a top 5/10 What year was breaking dawn part 2 filmed? 2010 2012 2009 2011 6/10 Who dies in breaking dawn part 2? Carlisle and Jasper All of the cullens Zenna and Benjamin bella and renesmee Irina Rosalie an Aro Renesmee and Edward 7/10 Emmett believes he is the strongest when bella and emmett have an arm wrestle, emmett is so sure he is going to win. Who does? They drew Bella Emmett 8/10 When Bella is a vampire and trying to act human, Alica says she doing good, what does jacob say next? For a robot For a vampire For a cartoon charecter 9/10 Which of these is false? bella and edward get married and have a baby girl jacob would do anything for renesmee charlie and billy are not friends 10/10 What does bella eat to much of, on her honeymoon? Bacon Chicken Humans Eggs