Submarines 10 super-questions to improve your general knowledge a lot justin published on May 10, 2010 Stacked 1/10 To submerge the ballast tanks fill with ... pressured air special heavy gas water sand 2/10 Which country developed the first nuclear-powered submarine? Germany France US Japan UK Russia 3/10 During which war the submarines were used in combat for the first time? World War I World War II American Civil War Mexican - American War Thousand Days War 4/10 The first submarine not relying on human power for propulsion was the French Plongeur and using ... for moving. diesel engine nuclear engine compressed air peroxide propulsion electric engine 5/10 Is is true that the submarines had an major impact on outcome of the American Civil War? Yes No 6/10 Who was the only american president to be a submariner? Eisenhower JFK Richard Nixon Jimmy Carter 7/10 Which country had the largest submarine fleet during World War II? US UK Russia Germany Japan 8/10 The U-Boat submarines were developed first by ... US UK Soviets Germany Japan 9/10 The first submarines were developed to move faster ... on the surface underwater 10/10 Which is the largest submarines class ever built? Typhoon (Russia) Holland (Japan) Ohio (US)