one direction quiz (7) the quiz is about one direction and if your a directioner. if you get them all wrong your a directanator sorry :( massiel.dejesus.96 published on January 19, 2013 Stacked 1/10 what did zayn want to name one the band zayn and the other guys one direction turtle power :) 2/10 how many kidneys did liam have first? 1 2 3 3/10 is zayne muslim yes no 4/10 how many sisters does louis have 1 4 5 5/10 where is nialls fav food place burger king nandos mcdonalds 6/10 what is liams favorite color burgundy blue pink 7/10 where is niall from england irleand italy 8/10 what is louis favorite movie forrest gump titanic twilight 9/10 how many nipples does harry have 1 4 2 10/10 who came up with the name one direction harry simon liam