celebrity quiz! well read the title its a quiz about all your favorite celebrities from rihanna to nicki minaj hope you like it! - danyetti danyetti published on January 15, 2013 Stacked 1/7 what is taylor swifts new song ( 2012 ) i knew you where trouble we are never getting back togerther i bet you never loved me 2/7 how old is hary styles 19 17 18 3/7 when did michael jackson die 11 july 2010 june 25, 2009 4 april 1983 4/7 what is rihannas real name Aleah rihanna lolita monatano Robyn rihanna fenty Rihanna nesto mistago 5/7 how old is george bush 66 84 62 6/7 what is rihanna alergic to dogs cats perfume 7/7 how old is nicki minaj 27 years old . 29 years old . 30 years old .