Twilight Quiz (1) This will be tested on your knowledge of all twilight movies and you will have to answer multiple choice questions. This shall be easy for all twilight fans! Ashley101Justin published on January 14, 2013 Stacked 1/10 Where was Bella Born Hint: 1 choice Arizona Washington Florida Seattle 2/10 Did Aro actually die in The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2? Hint: 1 choice Yes, Edward killed him. Yes, Bella and Edward killed him. No, It was a vision from Alice No, He ran away like a chicken. 3/10 What did Renesmee ask Bella when she was going to bed? Hint: 1 choice Did aunt Alice and uncle Jasper run away because we are all going to die? Can we move so none of us die Why is everyone trying to kill me Will I grow too much and die? 4/10 What is Bella's FULL name in 2010 Hint: 1 choice Isabella Swann Isabella Swan Bella Cullen Isabella Cullen 5/10 Who wrote the novel Twilight? Hint: 1 choice Willie Wonka Stephanie Meyer Justin Bieber Miley Cyrus 6/10 Who told Charlie about Renesmee? Hint: 1 choice Jacob Bella Edward Carlie 7/10 What Movie was released in the year of 2012 Hint: 1 choice Breaking Dawn part 1 Twilight The twilight Saga Eclipse Breaking Dawn part 2 8/10 What is Edward's full Name? Hint: 1 choice Edward Cullen Edward Swann Edward Charlie Cullen I don't Know. 9/10 Why does Rosalie Envy Bella? Hint: 1 choice Because Bella is making the wrong decision about becoming a vampire She just doesn't like Bella's Hair She likes Edward too The other vampires were changed because they almost died. 10/10 Who can read minds? Edward Bella Renesmee Jacob