Young acting stars

Young acting stars

this will test your knowledge on young acting stars. The information is from a well known reliable sight.

published on January 11, 2013

What films is Dakota fanning known for?

Hint: 5 choices
The runaways
Little miss sunshine
Breaking dawn
New moon
500 days of Summer
War of the worlds

What is Chloë Grace Moretz known for?

War of the worlds and Charlie and the chocolate factory
Hugo and 500 days of summer
little miss sunshine and hugo

Who acts Bella in the twilight saga?

Kristen stewart
Niki reed
Emma topson

Who acts Charlie buket in Charlie and the chocolate factory?

Jaden Smith
Freddie Highmore
Chris Colfer

Who acts the younger version of someone who is acted by her sister in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button? Use Capitols for both names.