Sociology Research help for revision by identifying each sociologist to the research they conducted sarah7394 published on January 11, 2013 Stacked 1/37 who said "you can't even say what constitutes as a family anymore in the postmodern world (because there are so many types)"? Kidd Mac an Ghail Bruce 2/37 who said "the new wave girls had shared interests in new wave music and wore the same fashions"? Rosenthal & Jacobsen Blackman Hatcher 3/37 who said "sects and cults are normally headed up by a charismatic leader" Glennon & Butsch Weber Davie 4/37 who said "black people are shown as criminals in the British News"? Willis Goldman Van Dijk 5/37 who studied "the bedroom culture of teenage girls where they socialised and read jackie magazine together (stereotypical in terms of gender roles)" McRobbie & Garber Skelton & Francis Mac an Ghail 6/37 who said "the young are shown as folk devils in the media"? Pearson Alexander Clarke 7/37 who found that doctors are normally from middle class backgrounds, and in working class areas, people usually have more 'practical' occupations Savage Bandura Seidler 8/37 who was killed by his friend with a hammer after playing "manhunt" Jamie Bulger Mac an Ghail Stefan Pakeerah 9/37 who said that there is "crisis of masculinity" as women are taking on traditionally male jobs Mac an Ghail Bruce Frosh 10/37 who was abducted, tortured and killed by two young boys after they had allegedly been watching the film "childs play 3" Jamie Bulger Pearson Stefan Pakeerah 11/37 who said there were moral panics about homosexuals on the media e.g. AIDS Humphries Song Cricher 12/37 who said that you can have a 'passive identity' and an 'active identity' Bradley Woodward Polemus 13/37 Who said "children are socialised into their gender roles through the chores they are given in the family"? Chapman Blackman Mac an Ghail 14/37 who said "there is an underrepresentation of the working class in the media"? Glennon & Butsch Jackson Van Dijk 15/37 who said "school subcultures form part of the informal curriculum e.g. macho lads, real english men etc Modood Mac an Ghail Bradley 16/37 who told teachers in mexico that some of their students were 'academic spurters' and would perform really well based on the results of an intelligence test. in actual fact the students had been randomly selected... but teacher expectations did influence their progress Pearson Bandura Rosenthal & Jacobsen 17/37 what did Alpert think that the 4 functions of religion were Hint: 4 choices to make friends Authority to keep us warm to make us rich Cohesion Discipline Collective worship to obey god 18/37 who found that some workforces are ethnically diverse and others are dominated buy one particular ethnic group, some ethnic groups are also more likely to experience unemployment Modood Holme and Bowker Blackman 19/37 who came up with the idea of 'mcdonaldisation' Taylor Mac an ghail McRobbie an Garber 20/37 who said "the function of the family is to socialise the young"? Featherstone & hepworth Erdos Parsons 21/37 who said "middle aged punks still had group cohesion from younger days"? Pearson Song Bennett 22/37 who found that attendance at religious ceremonies is declining and said that working class mothers are too busy to go to church Bruce Brah Power 23/37 who said that we can 'shop for our style' and choose how we want to portray ourselves Polemus Parker and Song Taylor 24/37 who said "boys with no father figure had problems with authority and discipline in later life and were themselves often poor role models for their children"? Kidd Modood Erdos 25/37 who said that religion is important for minority ethnic groups as it provides them with a way of maintaining their cultural identity Parker Davie Song 26/37 who said "boys who worked hard were often seen as being feminine by their peers" Packard Van Dijk Phoenix 27/37 who found that depending on the type of workplace, the way gay workers came out to their colleagues will be different. for the police and fire brigade it is through interpersonal chat Yamashanti Ward and Winstanley Chapman 28/37 who said "women are subordinate in all major world religions" Bandura Song Holm and Bowker 29/37 who said that the internet is being used by minority ethnic groups to organise social events and provide forums for the discussion of issues related to different ethnic identities ? Parker and Song Alpert Taylor 30/37 who said "the education system doesn't encourage working class success"? Dench Hatcher Parker & Song 31/37 who said "the media has a direct effect on its audience - they are injected with the media message (hypodermic syringe model)"? Alpert Packard Ward and Winstanley 32/37 who said "the media has an indirect effect on its audience - they talk to their friends about it before making a final decision (two step flow model)"? Katz and Lazerfield Frosh Brah 33/37 who found that family and workplace can socialise together e.g. following parents into a particular type of workplace Song Weber Bruce 34/37 who said "the media socialises children into gender appropriate roles e.g toy adverts"? Weber Savage Oakley 35/37 who found that some children wear a metaphorical "white mask" to fit in with the majority culture at school Johal and Bains Woodward Bradley 36/37 who said "children who saw a video of an adult beating up an inflatable doll (bobo doll) later imitated the behaviour they had seen"? Bandura Becker Taylor 37/37 who said "children in primary schools stuck to certain areas of the playground depending on who their peer group were Bandura Skelton & Francis Oakley