Word Parts Quarter 2 Word parts for quarter 2 at granger middle school mrs. baccus's class 2012-2013 6th grade curiculum grace_zhuang published on January 05, 2013 Stacked 1/6 What is the definition of the word part ambi? in around or both sides out 2/6 What is the definition of the word part tempo? Hint: 1 choice rythem beat time 3/6 What is the definition of the word part bi? Hint: 1 choice one two three 4/6 What is the definition of the word part cent? Hint: 1 choice one hundred thousand 5/6 What is the definition of the word part para? Hint: 1 choice aside,apart close together all together 6/6 What is the definition of the word part cycle? Hint: 1 choice square,cube rectangle,prism circle,wheel