There is a one-story house. EVERYTHING in it is green. The chairs were green, the roof was green, the tables were green. What color were the people?
There is a one-story house. EVERYTHING in it is green. The chairs were green, the roof was green, the tables were green. What color were the stairs?
What is the beginning of the end, ends time and space and surrounds every place? If you think this is impossible, write "impossible"
If a blue house is in blueville, a pink house is in pinkville and a black house is in blackville, where is a white house?
Jimmy's mom has four kids. The first three's names are Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. What is the fourth's name? If you think there is not enough information, write "information needed"
What is the correct spelling?
Think of a number between one and ten. Now multiply by nine. If it's a two diget number add the two digets together. Subtract five. If you were to line it up with its corresponding number (Ex: A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.) How many possible letters could you come up with?
There was a rule that all plane crashes would have a funeral the same night as the plane crashed for all passengers not able to make it.
It was 7/8/12. There was a plane crash full of survivors. When was there funeral?
Connect all of the dots using only 4 straight lines. You may not go over the same dot twice. Separate each letter with a space. If you think it is impossible, write "impossible"
Ex: A B C D E F G H I