How much do you know Indie For Chris because he's "curious" to find out how much he knows me. As he seems to know a lot. Silverindie published on June 19, 2014 Stacked 1/20 What is Indie's full name? India Alice Steggall India Alison Steggal India Alice Steggal 2/20 What is Indie's favourite colour? Purple Teal Other 3/20 When is India's birthday? 26/06/98 26/07/98 28/06/98 4/20 Did you buy India a present? Yes No 5/20 What are India's thoughts on life I love it! You should really enjoy life while it lasts! It's something I was given without choice, but now that choice was made for me I guess I'm going to create a great life for myself. I hate life, I wish I wasn't born or I wish I could die painlessly. 6/20 Who is Indie's best friends? Chris, Bronwyn and James Bronwyn, Katie and James James, Chris and Charlie 7/20 Where was India born? Hospital in Suffolk At her house in Haverhill At another destination 8/20 Where will Indie be attending next year? West Suffolk College One Suffolk Suffolk One 9/20 What does Indie find most attractive in a man? Height looks Personality 10/20 What job does Indie want to do in the future? Writer Artist Art teacher 11/20 What is Indie's favourite film? The lord of the rings Forrest Gump Fight club 12/20 What is the first and second name of India's fiancee? Type answer. Hint: 21 characters 13/20 What does she prefer to be called? India Indie Indy 14/20 What is India's rabbit called? Bubba Forrest Jenny 15/20 How many people in your tutor has India dated? 1 2 3 16/20 How would Indie describe herself in 1 word? Fabulous Amazing Insane Special strange awkward willy-mood 17/20 What was Indie's real name? Alex Alicia Alice Alison 18/20 What is India's favourite pizza topping? BBQ chicken pepperoni cheese 19/20 Where does India want to live in the future? Japan Narnia America 20/20 Do you love Indie? Yes she's a fab elve No she's a horrendous muggle Yeah I love herr