Discover Your Love Language Quiz (1)

Find out how you prefer to give and receive love by answering these questions about the 5 love languages.

published on July 01, 2024

When your partner surprises you with a small gift, how does it make you feel?

Special and loved

How do you feel closest to your partner?

Physical touch
Quality time
Words of affirmation
Acts of service

What makes you feel most appreciated by your partner?

Acts of service
Physical touch
Receiving gifts
Quality time

What makes you feel loved and secure in a relationship?

What makes you feel loved and secure in a relationship?
Words of affirmation
Gift giving
Physical touch
Acts of service

How do you express love to your partner?

Acts of service
Words of affirmation
Physical touch
Gift giving

What gesture warms your heart the most?

What gesture warms your heart the most?
Spending quality time together
Receiving compliments
Acts of kindness
Physical touch

What action makes you feel cared for by your partner?

Receiving unexpected gifts
Acts of service
Cuddling and hugging
Encouraging words

How do you prefer to apologize to your partner?

Saying 'I'm sorry' and explaining
Making it up with actions
Hugging and showing affection
Buying a thoughtful gift

What makes you feel truly understood by your partner?

What makes you feel truly understood by your partner?
Quality conversation and listening
Receiving surprises
Physical intimacy
Acts of kindness and favors

How do you like to celebrate special occasions like birthdays?

Receiving thoughtful gifts
Spending quality time together
Hearing birthday wishes and compliments
Having a romantic dinner or outing

What is the most important factor in feeling loved by your partner?

Physical touch
Words of affirmation
Acts of service
Receiving gifts