Heroes of Olympus quotes. Lets see if you paid attention hmmm hope you like it really i do so comment or rate. charlie.clements.7 published on December 27, 2012 Stacked 1/7 "If your gonna build a new kingdom dont build it on the part of Canada thats only 10 miles long...Welcome to canada Idiot!" Percy Hazel Frank 2/7 "Trust me man, Snow maybe pretty,but up close its cold and nasty. We'll find you a better prom date." Jason Piper Leo 3/7 "Thats how you solve a pussle you turn into a iganua." Leo Chiron Annabeth 4/7 "Seven half bloods shall anwser the call,to storm or fire the world must fall,An oath to keep with the final breath,And foes bear arms to the doors of death,Wisdoms daughter walks alone,The mark of Athena burns through Rome,Twins snuff out the angels breath,Who holds the key to enadless death,Giants stand gold and pale,Woven from pain from a woven jail" Rachel Spirt of Delphi Ella 5/7 "Whose callin me wine dude?" Bacchus Blackjack Percy 6/7 "Cheese and weeners?" Sytheno Beeno Percy 7/7 "Thats what happens to snow in texas lady, it fricken melts!" Jason Leo Piper