French Vocab Remember to breathe you can do this I promise just think before you answer J.A.Cyr published on December 16, 2012 Stacked 1/40 Surtout obviously was planning especially 2/40 La bedaine beer belly back and then what 3/40 Les routiers truckers lipstick was planing 4/40 N’empêche que to worry this interview all the same 5/40 était prévu take care of was planning truckers 6/40 Les représentants salesman fog yet never the less 7/40 Et alors ? and then what a pile up yet never the less 8/40 rouge à lèvres lipstick red and white checked towel big snacks 9/40 Gazon to throw up lawn to crush 10/40 Forcément obviously trying to avoid lipstick 11/40 Ralentir back a pile up slow down 12/40 Réclamer back Kindergarden to ask/to request 13/40 La nourrice family day care provider a mistake big snakes 14/40 Se faire du souci / s’inquiéter to worry my kids i quit everything 15/40 Cet entretien trying to avoid in any case this interview 16/40 Reculer temporary agency to go backwards to throw up 17/40 De toute façon radio news to crush in any case 18/40 Des gros goûters dish towel red and white checked to ask to request big snaks 19/40 Pourtant yet, nevertheless to make because 20/40 vomir to throw up because back 21/40 faire marche arrière back my kids to go for a walk 22/40 Fabriquer to make food salesmen 23/40 La boîte d’intérim I quit every thing temp(orary) agency sales Rep 24/40 En voulant éviter trying to avoid get rid of genius idea 25/40 Torchon food beer belly dish towel red and white checked 26/40 A poil sink into naked amazing 27/40 Guetter to be on the look out for to take care of truckers 28/40 Trinquer especially a pile up of cars to drink something 29/40 Agent commercial all the same salesman truckers 30/40 La sortie exit to throw up to leave 31/40 J’ai tout plaqué I quit everything big snakes to be on the look out for 32/40 Effarant trying to avoid amazing in any case 33/40 La maternelle to take good care of kindergarden because 34/40 Mes gosses my kids amazing sink into 35/40 Brouillard to be on the look out for all the same fog 36/40 La bouffe back food all the same 37/40 Sur un coup de tête a stroke of genius all of a sudden family day care 38/40 s’occuper de fog kindergarden to take care of 39/40 Semi-remorques huge trucks specially big snacks 40/40 Le coup de génie a stroke of genius on a whim spontaneously