How much do you know about films?

How much do you know about films?

This will test your knowlage on films. Some will be well known and some will be not. It will be on directors, sets, cast, crew and more. Make sure you're good because this will be hard!

published on December 11, 2012

Who Directed the hunger games?

Suzanne Colinns
Gary ross
Wes Bently

What played sue clearwater in Eclipse?

Gil Birmingham
Alex Rice
Tinsel Korey

Who acted the district 8 girl in the hunger games?

Jacqueline Emerson
Audrey Reid Couch
Mackenzie Lintz

Who played Alice in the twilight saga?

Bryce Dallas Howard
Kellan Lutz
Ashley Greene

Who was head of the music prepartion in secretariat?

Judith Babcock
Mark Perzely
Booker White