do u know wizards of waverly place how well do u know wzards of waverly place hannah284 published on December 25, 2010 Stacked 1/8 who is alex's bff (best friend) harper stevie the elf lady person 2/8 how many boyfriends did alex have during the start of wizards 2 the last episode so far 2 3 4 3/8 wen uncle arnesto came 4 a visit how did the mom feel about it the 1st time the kids told the mom about brining uncle arnesto happy the mom wanted him 2 come the mom got so angry she stormed off the mom said no cuz she didnt want alex max and justin 2 use magic wen uncle arnesto arrived 4/8 wat color is deen's hair Type answer. Hint: 5 characters 5/8 who plays harper miranda cosgrove jennifer stone demi lovato 6/8 in the episode the good and the bad alex did alex be good bad or in the middle super good super bad in the middle 7/8 where did alex justin max and mason find juliet wen the mummy took her pennsylvania transylvania wizards world 8/8 who changed into juliet wen alex and harper wanted 2 tell justin 2 move on over juliet harper alexs mom alex no one did the real juliet came the one whos really old she changed herself back 2 look like her young self again