dbz do you know dragon ball z? test your knowledge about dragon ball z test? lets see if you know more than me yaserblack published on December 01, 2012 Stacked 1/10 how did goten turn super sayian? Hint: 1 choice vegeta punched him gohan died chi chi kicked him angry that he couldn't be stronger training 2/10 what was the power up technique goku uses? Hint: 1 choice kaioken energy waves absorption energy giveway 3/10 who is the youngest super sayian? goku goten trunks gohan majuub 4/10 what was mystic gohans power level in the majin buu saga? Hint: 1 choice 350,000,000 125,000,000 780,000,000 550,000,000 idk? 5/10 whats omegas power level? Hint: 1 choice 750,000,000 3,789,2345,3221 9,300,000,000 5,000,000,267 higher than mines 6/10 where did gohan hit ratiz when they first met? Hint: 1 choice head face back stomach hand 7/10 whats the power level of majin vegeta? Hint: 1 choice 360,000,000 400,000,000 340,000,000 10,3465,222 over 9000 8/10 what was the place trained in the cell saga? Hint: 1 choice king kai world earth planet vegeta hyperbolic time chamber supreme kai world 9/10 what was the move used to kill super 13? Hint: 1 choice kamehamaha final flash spirit bomb genkidama buster cannon 10/10 what androids absorb? Hint: 1 choice 6,3,7 20,19,15,super 17 non of them all of them