How well do you know Breaking Dawn Part 2? If you haven't seen the movie yet, you may or may not want to take this quiz. Hope you like it :) cheerkay98 published on December 01, 2012 Stacked 1/18 What is the last scene in the movie? At the Cullen's house The meadow The forest 2/18 Who leaves right when the Cullens need them most? Bella and Edward Alice and Jasper Renesmee and Jacob 3/18 What song plays while Bella shows Edward her memories? A Thousand Years Possibilities With you in my head 4/18 What was Renesmee doing with Bella and Jacob? Catching snowflakes Playing piano Drawing 5/18 Who plays with Renesmee most of the time? Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 6/18 Why does Alice come back? To join the Volturi She doesn't To show Aro the future and bring a wittness of her own 7/18 Who is this? Kate Irina Tanya 8/18 Why are the Cullens surprised at Bella? Because she's a vampire Because she has a baby Because she ran away from human blood 9/18 What's Bella's power? She can blind people She can calm people She's a sheild 10/18 Who is the first person Bella sees when she opens her eyes as a vampire? Alice Edward Esme 11/18 Why is Bella mad at Jacob? He imprinted on Renesmee They aren't friends He left 12/18 Why are the Volturi coming? They want to kill Renesmee because they think she's an immortal child To kill Jacob To kill Edward 13/18 What does Bella show Edward at the end of the movie? A song she wrote She can play the piano The memories they shared together 14/18 What does Jacob show/tell Charlie? Tells him Bella and the Cullens are vampires Turns into a werewolf to show him he doesn't live in the world he thinks he does Tells him Bella died 15/18 Who is the first person to die when the Cullens and their friends and the Volturi meet? Seth Irina Carlisle 16/18 What was Bella's birthday present? They didnt celebrate her birthday A car A key to her and Edward's new house 17/18 What nickname did Jacob give Renesmee that Bella hates? Renee Nessie Esme 18/18 What is Renesmee's power? She can show people her thoughts by placing her hand on their face She can read minds like Edward She can shock people