Are you a true assassins creed fan? Do you know your Assassins? Do you LOVE the games? Find out here! Based off of general knowledge! Tohab51 published on November 29, 2012 Stacked 1/6 Which of the following did Ezio kill? Check which apply. Hint: 1 choice Rodrigo Borgia Cesare Borgia Lucrezia Borgia 2/6 How many games were Ezio in? 1 2 3 4 5 3/6 What is Connor Kenway's real name? Kanen'tó:kon Ratonhnhaké:ton Rankanotakah:Ton 4/6 How old is Ezio at the beginning of Assassins Creed 2? 19 17 16 18 5/6 Who was Ezio's mentor? His Father The Captain of the Gaurd His Uncle His Brother His Professor 6/6 Was Altair's Father an Assassin? Yes No