Chanukah Happy Chanukah! This quiz will tell you how much you know about chanukah lol2012 published on November 25, 2012 Stacked 1/10 When will we be celebrating Chanukah? ( it's the 25th of Kislev in the Jewish Calander ) 14th December 9th December 25th December 2/10 Which of the 2 miracles happened on Chanukah? The oil lasted for eight days + There were 8 days of snow There were 8 days of snow + There were 8 months of spining dreidles The Maccabees won against the Greeks + The oil lasted for eight days 3/10 What are the 4 letters on a dreidel? Aleph,Bet, Chet and Tet Gimel,Hay,Nun and Shin Bet,Pay,Tzadee and Shin 4/10 What is it a custom to eat? Fried foods Dairy food Orange food 5/10 What did they light the Menorah/Chanukiah with? Sunflower Oil Tea Tree oil Olive Oil 6/10 How many candles would you light on the 7th Day (Not including the Shamesh)? 6 7 8 7/10 How do we light the Candles? Left to right Right to left Randomly 8/10 Which of these letters replaces shin in Israel? Ayin Pay Yud 9/10 Which of(i cant spell his name!) mathisyachu's sons did mathisyachu pass his leader ship on to? 2nd son 3rd son 5th son 10/10 Do we wear fancy drees on Chanukah? Yes No You can (but it is not a custom)