Marketing (1) Innovative project organized by top tier companies of Armenia in order to recruit the best of the best in the field of marketing, communication & fine arts greta.margaryan.7 published on March 31, 2015 Stacked 1/5 Who ultimately determines if the brand strategy is effective? The Competition The Brand Manager The Consumer Your Boss 2/5 Behavioral segmentation includes demographic, psychographic and ________ data: Global positioning Consumption Historical Hypothetical None of the above 3/5 What is a brand? A collection of customer benefits A name of the product or product line A name and a visual representation of the product or product line A promise All of the above 4/5 Which of the these could be a basis for psychographic segmentation? Recreational interests Sex Age of children Education Marital status 5/5 To sell more stuff to more people, for more money, more often, more efficiently is the purpose of: Internet Marketing Operational Marketing Consumer Marketing Retail Marketing All the above are correct