Marketing (1)

Marketing (1)

Innovative project organized by top tier companies of Armenia in order to recruit the best of the best in the field of marketing, communication & fine arts

published on March 31, 2015

Who ultimately determines if the brand strategy is effective?

Who ultimately determines if the brand strategy is effective?
The Competition
The Brand Manager
The Consumer
Your Boss

Behavioral segmentation includes demographic, psychographic and ________ data:

Behavioral segmentation includes demographic, psychographic and ________ data:
Global positioning
None of the above

What is a brand?

What is a brand?
A collection of customer benefits
A name of the product or product line
A name and a visual representation of the product or product line
A promise
All of the above

Which of the these could be a basis for psychographic segmentation?

Which of the these could be a basis for psychographic segmentation?
Recreational interests
Age of children
Marital status

To sell more stuff to more people, for more money, more often, more efficiently is the purpose of:

To sell more stuff to more people, for more money, more often, more efficiently is the purpose of:
Internet Marketing
Operational Marketing
Consumer Marketing
Retail Marketing
All the above are correct