How well do you know your types of animals? These animals a will be a Mammal,Reptile,Insect,Bird,Fish,or Amphibian! Narwhalzy published on May 17, 2016 Stacked 1/8 An Amphibian is..? Frog Hamster Gator 2/8 Reptile is..? Whale Turtle Dog 3/8 This is easy! MAMMAL is..? Eagle Barracuda Narwhal!!!! :D 4/8 Bird is... Emu Cat Caiman 5/8 Insect is...? Goldfish Termite Ferret 6/8 Fishy time! Red Snapper OSTRICH Poop.. 7/8 Another type of mammal is..? US!! Poop Idk, I'm no expert.. 8/8 Cya.. Bye.. I gotta take a poop Bai!