Headaches and Migraines The facts and myths about headaches and migraines. Make sure to read the question carfully. Mackenzie123456 published on November 24, 2012 Stacked 1/10 24% of Australian households have one migraine sufferer True False 2/10 Migraines are usually felt on one side of the head True False 3/10 Only women have migraines True False 4/10 Having constant migraines are not life threatening, just annoying True False 5/10 You are more likely to get a cluster headache if you are a man True False 6/10 Migraine attacks can occur in children True False 7/10 A migraine is just a bad headache True False 8/10 Which food is a common trigger of migraines? Apple Chocolate Rice 9/10 Tension Headaches are the most common True False 10/10 If someone in your family has migraines, you have more of a chance of getting migraines too False True