Name that blank If you can put the correct word(s) into the blank(s) on each of the questions, you've got 100% true skills! WasUP published on November 23, 2012 Stacked 1/9 Phrase- Awwe, You __ made me __! guys, ink people, freak guys, scream 2/9 Dog's love ___ and ___ spray! cats, hair squirrels, hair toys, bacon 3/9 Artist- Pablo __. Palarti Palitrui Picasso 4/9 I always watch ___ and play on my ___ once I get home from ___. Movies, violin, grandma's house Television, laptop, school Mom, trumpet, the spelling bee 5/9 Cats and __ are almost like __. dogs, enemies platypi, friends people, enemies 6/9 Song- We are __ __ back together. always, getting never, getting willing to, get 7/9 Movie- The __ Life of Timothy __. great, red strange, green odd, green 8/9 Give me back my __ squeaky __. dog's, duck cat's, mouse dog's, bone 9/9 "Why you gotta be so __. Won't you __ up your __? __ a matter of __. eye, close, mouth, what, time fly, open, eyes, just, time shrink, fly, eyes, why, life