How Well Do You Know About E-safety? This quiz is for all ages to test your knowledge about E-safety and its dangers Quizzygirl119 published on December 10, 2012 Stacked 1/10 How well do you know about internet safety ? A lot Never heard of such a thing I don't know 2/10 What does your child use the internet for ? Homework Speaking with friends Don't know Games Email Shopping Watching Movies 3/10 If your computer isn't in the living room where is it ? Bed Room Laptop can go anywhere Mum or Dads room Office Kitchen/Dinning room 4/10 Does your child own a Facebook, My space, Twitter account Yes they go on it all the time. No not untill their 13 Well yes everyone should have a account to contact everyone 5/10 Do you let your child give out their proper name on the internet without your permision? Yes I don't even know what their doing on the computer No 6/10 Do you let your kids on the computer often ? Yes, they go on it all the time . No , theres a rotor 7/10 Whats your view on the internet ? Children know much more than adults I don't know half the stuff their talkig about I don't care 8/10 Did you know that your child can get cyberbllyed over the internet ? No, what is cyberbulling Yes, they gave us an iinterview about it 9/10 Do you know if your child has an school behaviour policy? No I don' know Yes 10/10 Does your child give out personal infomation about your family No Sometimes I don't know