how well do you know Gio? i made this quiz to see how well my friends know me ;) take the quiz and answer questions about gio, that simple :P hellsing78 published on November 15, 2012 Stacked 1/15 what is gios biggest pet peeve? bad grammar the elite four being told 'no' being copied by someone else 2/15 what is gios favorite video game series? pokemon... duhh borderlands digimon CoD 3/15 what is gios favorite pokemon? banette gengar squirtle mudkip tyranitar 4/15 what is gios username for videogames? mr.iwannatouchyou999 hellsing78 sadistic gengar 1pwnyou 5/15 how violent is gio? AGGRESSIVE meh, he smacks kids on a weekly basis what? gio violent? no such thing... 6/15 what is gios favorite word? peanut texas biscuit maple dolphin 7/15 whats gios favorite food? pizza!!! bacon cheeseburger Alfredo fettuccine any thing edible 8/15 what is gios biggest habit? he cannot open his mouth in bathrooms he always picks his noes he clicks pens all the time he ends peoples sentences he makes sure to always sleep on his right side he drinks too much soda 9/15 what is gio's full name? gio almond parker giovanni armande parker the III giovanni alexander parker the II giovanni alamonde parker 10/15 l what is gios favorite candy? butterfinger snickers m&ms reeses 11/15 whos gios childhood friend? angel torres chase richards mikah lyon potato soup 12/15 what is gios favorite thing to do? play video games spend time with his girlfriend eat draw 13/15 what is gios favorite color? red blue black 14/15 whats gios dream? become a unicorn become a world famous electronic artist become a pokemon master (not that he hasn't already accomplished that) become a famous baseball player have friends... 15/15 what can you ALWAYS find on gio? a final fantasy necklace a dubstep braclet deadmau5 braclet headphones