Do you know Rylie B? Rylie B is an upcoming star with a ton of cool hits!Take this quiz if you think you really know Rylie B,my favorite star in the whole entire world! fanofalwaysthebest published on November 15, 2012 Stacked 1/6 When Rylie was 4 she was on what show? Walk Like Me Brave Dancing Hokey Pokey 2/6 Rylie has 3(blank)friends! All the time perfect Super-nice Major 3/6 What is Rylie's hair color? Brown Black Brunette 4/6 What was Rylie's first song? Only by the Fire Feel so Special Bad-boy 5/6 Rylie plays what instrument? Guitar Piano Flute 6/6 What is Rylie's fav song? Stand Up by Flora Suoromod Crazy in love with you by Bloom Domorous Heart Attack by Trey Songz