apple simple apple questions!! apili published on November 27, 2010 Stacked 1/10 mac mini ia also call cpu. yes no can't say. don't no 2/10 which of this ipod is come with 160 GB? ipod touch ipod nano ipod classic 3/10 the latest version of ipod nano has got camera in it. no yes can't say 4/10 the operating system of macs are different from windows. yes no can't say 5/10 windows can be installed in mac book pros. no yes only windows 7 6/10 which one of the following is also operating system of macs. snow birds snow leopards snow dogs 7/10 which of the following is operating system apple iphones? o sx oxs oss 8/10 safari is also known as web browser... no yes no, it is music player 9/10 magic mouse is connect through... wire bluetooth infrared 10/10 apple tv has got monitor in it.. no yes don't no