How much do you know about Harry Potter?? Wizards!! Are you smarter than a wizard? Are you a wiz about Harry's world? Caitdances published on November 07, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Expecto Patronum does... nothing congure a patronus idk 2/5 Apparently, Reducto is who's favorite spell. ??? Harry Potter Ginny Weasley 3/5 How many house points did Slytherin have a the end of the first year? 40,000,000 30,741 470 4/5 Who was in Dumbledore's Army? Hint: 2 choices Ginny Weasley Hagrid Seamus Finnegan Draco Malfoy 5/5 Who teaches potions class in the sixth year? Profesor Meep Profesor Lupin Profesor Snape None of the above