quiz (1) quiz time! your turn you win you lose either one whats your name this quiz is awsome nkatzen published on November 06, 2012 Stacked 1/5 what is the correct date for 1,4,20000 Hint: 1 choice 1 4,2000 1 4 2 0 0 0 1420000 0104020000 2/5 is this word a multi meaning word lipstick Hint: 1 choice yes no no way 3/5 a synomyn for this word a happy sad mad swell mean poop 4/5 what is an antonym for the l word mean Hint: 1 choice mad nice card car pee 5/5 correct way to spell a sentence which one Hint: 1 choice June is eans most note month i dont do that, June is Eans most note month,I dont do that bhhjnmjmkmnhgvtybthy