Do you truly know me? (1) Do you really know me...or are you totally hopeless for me!Take this awesome quiz to find out! alwaysthebest published on November 04, 2012 Stacked 1/8 My eye color is: Brown...duh Sparkly Brown! Blue 2/8 My fav color is: Blue Red Orange 3/8 My house is a: Basically a mansion One-story Three-story 4/8 My hair color is: Blonde Purple(I dye my hair) Dark brown 5/8 My best friend lives in: Florida California Um.... 6/8 My skin color is: White Black Mixed 7/8 My two fav subjects are: Math and Science Writing and Reading Laungauge Arts and Recess(Recess is a subject right) 8/8 I have: 0 siblings...I think 3 siblings More siblings than you could ever think about