Do you truly know me? Do you really know me...or are you totally hopeless for me!Take this awesome quiz to find out! alwaysthebest published on November 10, 2012 Stacked 1/8 My fav color is: All colors rock! Pink Blue and Red 2/8 How much siblings do I have? 2 0.Your an only child...I think 3 3/8 My house is a: One-Story Three-Story Basically a mansion 4/8 My fav subject is: Reading,writing,Laungauge Arts Math,science,writing Science,laungauge arts,Math 5/8 My name starts with a: D P Um.... 6/8 My eye color is: Brown....duh! Sparkly Brown! Blue! 7/8 My best friend was born in: Wherever I live Florida California 8/8 My hair is: doubt No idea! Dark brown