Polyatomic Ion Naming test yourself on all of the common names for the polyatomic ions you need to memorize for grade 9 jGourlay published on October 28, 2012 Stacked 1/20 CH4 Hint: 1 choice water hydrogen peroxide methane 2/20 I2 Type answer. Hint: 6 characters 3/20 Br2 Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 4/20 C3H8 Hint: 1 choice sulfur propane acetic acid 5/20 H2 Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 6/20 Cl2 Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 7/20 P4 Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 8/20 CH3COOH Hint: 1 choice iodine acetic acid fluorine gas 9/20 C2H5OH Hint: 1 choice hydrogen peroxide ethanol chlorine gas 10/20 H2O Hint: 1 choice water hydrogen gas sucrose 11/20 N2 Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 12/20 O2 Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 13/20 H202 Type answer. Hint: 17 characters 14/20 S8 Type answer. Hint: 6 characters 15/20 C6H1206 Hint: 1 choice ethanol ozone glucose 16/20 CH3OH Hint: 1 choice bromine oxygen gas methanol 17/20 O3 Hint: 1 choice ozone methane glucose 18/20 F2 Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 19/20 C12H22011 Hint: 1 choice sucrose propane bromine 20/20 NH3 ammonia methane methanol