Science About atmosphere and ect. and the corilist effect and evreything mrs tunstall taught us babycakes143 published on October 14, 2012 Stacked 1/13 what does c.a.p.a.a Hint: 1 choice consumers are people and awesom i dont know consumers are people and animals 2/13 winter solostice are the )____ days of the year Hint: 1 choice shortest longest boringest 3/13 what degree does earth spins on its axis Hint: 1 choice 7.20 32.4 23.5 4/13 areas near the equator have summer since they get how many hours of direct daylight Hint: 1 choice 2 12 79 5/13 name all the seasons Hint: 1 choice summer. winter summer spring summer winter fall 6/13 What are seasons caused by due to the tilting of the earths axis as it moves around the sun the sun moves 7/13 when does winter equnoties begin Hint: 1 choice none below dec 21 or 22 dec 5 or 14 8/13 consumers release carbon dioxide in to the atmospere and burn sugar for Hint: 1 choice food life energy 9/13 what are producers Hint: 1 choice plants animals cats and dogs 10/13 when does autumm equnoties begin Hint: 1 choice oct 15 or 3 sept 4 14 sept 21 or 22 11/13 equnoties are when Hint: 1 choice day and night are fun day and night are egual day and night are cool 12/13 producers are plants and take in carbon dioxide in the proosess called Hint: 1 choice crab photosnthisis pizza 13/13 warmer tempeture and longr days because Hint: 1 choice it is tilted away from the sun it is tilted torward the sun none of the above