Management Principles Oct 2012 Multiple choice questions of the October 2012 Management Principle exam paper. samantha00zw published on January 27, 2015 Stacked 1/15 2.1.12 The value chain distinguishes between these two categories of activities within the organisation A. Primary and secondary activities B. Inbound logistics and Outbound logistics C. HRM and Operations D. Planning and Execution 2/15 2.1.14 Groupthink is a situation in group decision-making where: A. One member or subgroup dominates or nullifies group decisions. B. Group decision-making is time consuming. C. Groups sacrifice one individual’s idea for another. D. Conformity rather than creativity is encouraged in decision-making. 3/15 2.1.15 Identify which of the following are not consistent with Effective Delegation: I Explain reason and set clear standards/goals II Ensure clarity of authority/responsibility III Empower and involve employees in decision making IV Train subordinates V Request completion of tasks A. I, II, iii & iv V, VI, VII and viii 4/15 2.1.5 The danger with __ is that managers may end up being paid for doing what they are told to do, not for thinking. A. Systems approach B. Scientific management school approach C. Process or administrative approach D. Bureaucratic approach 5/15 2.1.13 Possible crises which may be a source of uncertainty and risk to organisational stability and progress excludes which one of the following categories ___: I economic, criminal and physical factors. fairly predictable factors. information, reputation and personnel factors. information, personnel and criminal factors. 6/15 2.1.7 relating to maslos behavioural theory is incorrect? A. Human beings have five levels of needs B. People try to satisfy lower order needs before higher order needs. C. The lowest level of need is self-actualisation need. D. Managers can achieve organisational goals by encouraging behaviours that satisfy both worker and organisational needs. 7/15 2.1.6 What does discipline mean in the context of the workplace? A. Enforcing compliance and order. B. A system of rules designed to improve and correct behaviour through teaching or training. C. Punishment. D. Exercising control. 8/15 2.1.2 Which statement below could be credited to Frederick Winslow Taylor – a champion of the Scientific Management School? A. Find best practice wherever it exists (benchmarking). B. Decompose a task into its constituent element (business process redesign). C. Get rid of things that don’t add value. D. Maintain the status-quo if it’s costly to effect change today. 9/15 2.1.10 Three types of generic strategy are: A. Low-cost leadership, differentiation and cost. B. Low-cost leadership, cost and flexibility. C. Cost, low-cost leadership and patience. D. Differentiation, cost and tactics. 10/15 2.1.1 Which statement does not support a principle of Total Quality Management? A. Focus must be on life-cycle costs, not just front-end costs. B. Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information. C. The organisation must try to exceed customer expectations. D. Quality should be measured wherever necessary. 11/15 2.1.8 Environmental scanning involves all of the following, except: A. Explore the environment in an effort to keep up with change. B. Help ascertain which factors constitute a threat to current mission, goals and strategy. C. Enhance organisational success. D. Lead to delayed strategy adjustment/formulation. 12/15 2.1.3___ is not a contemporary approach to management. A. Process approach. B. Contingency approach. C. Systems approach. D. Total Quality Management. 13/15 2.1.11 Scenario planning helps management to: A. Envision equally plausible futures and respond to them. B. Create a desired future and respond to it. C. Create two futures and adopt one. D. Visualise the worst possible future and respond to it. 14/15 2.1.4 The Learning Organisation supports the following except A. A long term inclination to problem-solving inhibits creative learning B. Organisations must not only focus their responses to dramatic changes but also to gradual changes C. We learn best from experience D. Promotes systems thinking 15/15 2.1.9 __ cannot help an organisation adapt to environmental change: A. Structural change. B. Adapting an existing strategy. C. Developing a new strategy. D. Maintaining a less flexible structure.