do you know Your Bff as well as u think u do? take my quizz christin wow what alot of waisted space it says i have to have alot of words here ugh Olivia.Booming.Baringtone published on October 08, 2012 Stacked 1/10 where would i rather go if i went on vacation Jimacan Beach New york Orange County California Japan China 2/10 which artists are my favorite? Alborosie, Mellow Mood, Jeffree Star, Skrillex Parov Stelar, Skrillex, Deadmau5, Koop Alborosie, Deadmau5, Skrillex, Jeffree Star Parov Stelar Jeffree Star, Alboroie, Mellow Mood 3/10 what is my favorite color? blue green purple pink rainbow white none i love all colors 4/10 What do i like to do the most when im super duper high :) Dance and smoke more! laugh till i pass out! Listen to dubstep and watch disney movies! make prank calls and jokes Work at Arx mortis! 5/10 what is my favorite place to eat? olive garden garden gate Umi Outside on a picnic china gourme 6/10 What are my 3 favorite drinks/ bubble tea, vanilla coke, and rum dirty sprite, vanilla coke and rum Sipin syrup, Dirty Sprite, and Bubble Tea Vodka, Beer, and dirty sprite Sipin syrup ,Vodka, bubble tea 7/10 what is my favorite animal? Monkey cat lemour dog parrot bunny guine pig 8/10 At Arx Mortis What is my favorite room to work in? Dungeon Clown tent Pharmacy of clinic First room of Clinic Both 3rd and 4th answere Both 1st and 2nd answere 9/10 What is my favorite scary movie? House of 1000 corpses 2001 maniacs zombie strippers saw4 saw3 10/10 what is my favorite cartoon? Regular Show Adventure time Grim adventures of billy and mandy Lenore Courage the cowardly dog Spongebob squarepants