how well do you really know me good luck passing this test because i bet you're not gonna pass... i hate descriptions jake6439 published on August 28, 2012 Stacked 1/10 how many titles do i have on imdb 10 15 14 17 2/10 what is my favourite dessert popcicle ice cream pie cake 3/10 who is my favourite stuffed animal cow blankie doggy bunny bear 4/10 what is my favourite out of these bike scooter roller blades ripstick 5/10 what is my favourite movie fantastic 4 rise of the silver surfer the avengers xmen first class the odd life of timothy green 6/10 is my phone a... blackberry galaxy iphone i dont have a phone 7/10 what is my favourite song billionaire grenade hey soul sister rumor has it 8/10 what is my favourite electronic tv computer psvita ipad 9/10 what is my favourite fruit apple banana orange peach 10/10 what is my favourite word chicken pooie rooster PICKLE!!!