Bringing things into focus Move it to the left a bit... no... yeah... no back a bit... yeah. yeah that's it. leave it there. snowskrunch published on August 24, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Which one of the follow answers is the right one? This one here That one there Not this one 2/5 When does left become right? Hint: 1 choice If it's telling the truth If the paperwork's all there As soon as you wake up 3/5 When? Between 30 and 40 seconds You missed it Later, after this 4/5 Bubble bubble toil and trouble where did I put my pot? Have you checked the usual place? It'll turn up, just use the small pan It was too oily so I threw it away 5/5 Dogs have a good sense of smell? Dogs have a good sense of SMELL Dogs have a good SENSE of smell Dogs HAVE a good sense of smell DOGS have a good sense of smell