Improved NCMBT practice quiz

Improved NCMBT practice quiz

Hello, this is a quiz to help me pass my national exam. I find this website to be very useful, and it helped me remember and pass my tests while I was in school. I hope this is helpful to you as well.

published on August 22, 2012

Muscles in the neck and limbs contract suddenly when a person is startled

Hint: 1 choice
Psychogalvanic Reflex
Startle Reflex
Visceromotor Reflex

A reflex in which body position is maintained using visual sensory info. is called what

Hint: 1 choice
Optical Righting Reflex
Postural Reflex
Visceromotor Reflex

Which of the following is an emotional change that causes the electrical resistance in the skin to change?

Hint: 1 choice
Startle Reflex
Psychogalvanic Reflex
Vasomotor Reflex

Which of the following is a sensory neuron that communicates directly with a motor neuron?

Hint: 1 choice
Postural Reflex
Tendon Reflex
Monosynaptic Reflex

Which of the following describes visceral receptors?

Hint: 1 choice
record info. on the surface of the skin and the mucuos membranes regaurding such things as pressure, touch, and temperature
located in organs and record hunger or pain
located below the surface in the muscles and tendons and register pressure, vibration, and position

Which of the following describes superficial receptors?

Hint: 1 choice
they are located deep below the surface in the muscles and tendons, and they register pressure, vibration, and position
located in organs, record hunger
record info on the surface of the skin and the mucous membranes regarding such things as pressure, touch, and temperature

Which of the following describe special receptors?

Hint: 1 choice
located in organs, and record hunger
located below the surface in the muscles and tendons. They also register pressure, vibration, and position
Associated with senses like hearing, vision, smell, and taste

Which of the following controls sensory and smell?

Hint: 1 choice
V. Trigeminal
X. Vagus
I. Olfactory

Name this reflex. More than one action results from initial stimulation of one sensory neuron.

Hint: 1 choice
Monosynaptic Reflex
Intersegmental Reflex
Pilomotor Reflex

Which of the following keeps muscles from stretching to the point of tearing; an automatic contracting of the muscles when they are doing work

Hint: 1 choice
Stretch Reflex
Tendon Reflex
Postural Reflex

Smooth muscle in skin contracts in response to stimulation; causes the sensation of "goose flesh"

Hint: 1 choice
Pilomotor Reflex
Psychogalvanic Reflex
Startle Reflex

Which of the following is responsible for only motor eye movements?

Hint: 1 choice
II. Optic
III. Oculomotor
VI Abducens

Which of the following tries to keep the body correctly oriented when you lose your balance or slip and fall

Hint: 1 choice
Stretch Reflex
Vasomotor Reflex
Postural Reflex

Which of the following is responsible for sensory, and motor; tounge sensations including taste, swallowing, salivation, some reflexes associated with breathing, and blood pressure?

Hint: 1 choice
IX Glossopharyngeal
X. Vagus
XI. Accessory

Which of the following cranial nerves controls motor and eye movements?

II. Optic
IV. Trochlear
III. Oculomotor

Which of the following nerves controls motor, and moving the tounge?

Hint: 1 choice
XII. Hypoglossal
IX. Accessory
IX. Glossopharyngeal

Expands and contracts the blood vessels regulated by the sympathetic nervous system

Hint: 1 choice
Vasomotor Reflex
Visceromotor Reflex
Pilomotor Reflex

A response in a muscle when its tendon is vibrated

Hint: 1 choice
Stretch Reflex
Startle Reflex
Tendon Reflex

Abdominal muscles contract when there is stimulation in an abdominal organ

Hint: 1 choice
Vasomotor Reflex
Psychogalvanic Reflex
Visceromotor Reflex

Which of the following is responsible for sensory and motor, movements for speech, and swallowing, control of smooth muscle in the upper body and abdomen?

Hint: 1 choice
V. Trigeminal
X. Vagus
IV. Trochlear